Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Equinox is when the earth's axis is neither pointed towards the sun nor away from the sun. When this occurs every where in the world is 12 hours days and 12 hours night.

Green Wish 2

I wish that the world would all work together to save energy. Everyone could use less gas and walk more, or get better proficient vehicles. Another idea that everyone could do would be using less appliances at home and use less water.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Whatcha Know Bout This

I read about two different projects from Earth Force. One was about students in Holland, PA. They tried a "dark day" where they used minimal lighting and air conditioning to save on energy. Another story was about elementary kids who wasted a lot of food from lunch. They found out it was because the kids wanted to have a longer recess, so they proposed to have recess before lunch.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Green Wish

I want people around the world to all recycle their trash.